Thursday, December 15, 2011

Mossberg 835 12 gauge and Winchester Supreme Turkey Load

Mossberg 835 12 gauge and Winchester Supreme 3 1/2", 2 oz., #4 shot.

The Gun:  I've had this Mossberg 835 for a while now, and it's taken plenty of gobblers in its time.  The 835 has a short 20" barrel that is ported.  It has a multi-choke system that allows the shooter to change out the choke.  I have full and modified chokes so I can shoot 00 buck for deer hunting.  The choke that comes with it is a dedicated extra full turkey choke that will throw an extremely tight pattern with turkey loads.  Shooting 3 1/2" magnums will put a thump on your shoulder and I try not too shoot this gun more than twice per year.  "One kill."  In my honest opinion, this is a truly dedicated turkey weapon.  It has a synthetic stock and fore grip.  It is heavy and has shoulder straps.  It can kill turkeys out to 45 yards...maybe 50 yards.

The new guns have camo stocks and grips.  I just took some camo tape and did my gun up myself.

The Load:  I've always used the Winchester Supreme high velocity 3 1/2" magnums.  I prefer to throw a full 2 oz. load of # 4 pellets.  I don't get as many pellets when compared to using #5 or #6, but the pellets I throw hit harder.  I'm looking for penetration into the neck and this round has ALWAYS worked for me.  I have confidence in this round.  I'm recommending it.

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